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Welcome to our website!  We hope you enjoy browsing through our selection of over 200 hats and nearly 300 characters.
You can upload images for your cosplay in crochet or for your custom design

Unique Collectable Characters

Everybody needs a Happy Hat

Designed and Handcrafted

Pams Happy hats started off life with Pam just designing hats and making them for family and friends.  This soon grew to a point where people were wanting us to create hats for them and they wanted to buy our creations, so we started to attend craft fares.


This evolved very rapidly, due to some connections we already had, and soon we were trading at Music festivals.  We were travelling all over the country and attending Festivals almost on a weekly basis throughout the summer season 


We did this for a few years and then we transitioned once more to our first love --- science fiction and fantasy and the wonderful world of Cosplay and Comic Cons. Pam began to create our range of characters and soon there was no stopping her and the range was substantially increased to include the collectable characters.


This then led us on to recruit a skilled team of ladies who help to make our characters and hats to our specifications.


All design work is still done exclusively by Pam, with all the technical side of things, website etc, carried out by Darren.  Everything we sell is completely hand made by Pam and her talented team.

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